PancakeSwap V3 (BSC)
Overview, Markets and Information$ 695,458,862
24h Trading Volume
Ƀ 7,135
24h Trading Volume (BTC)
PancakeSwap V3 (BSC) is a cryptocurrency exchange with total volume of $ 695,458,862 and has markets and pairs
Year Established | 2023 |
Website | |
Rank | 86 |
Country | |
Has Trading Incentive | No |
Centralized | No |
Coin | Pair | Volume | Volume (BTC) | Volume (USD) | Volume % |
Binance Bridged Usdt | 0X55D39832/0XBB4CDB9C | 202,603,260 | Ƀ 2,129 | $ 205,998,531 | 29.62% |
Binance Bridged Usdt | 0X55D39832/0XBB4CDB9C | 142,272,565 | Ƀ 1,503 | $ 145,444,272 | 20.91% |
Binance Bridged Usdt | 0X55D39832/0X7130D2A1 | 46,585,198 | Ƀ 480 | $ 46,463,871 | 6.68% |
Binance Peg Weth | 0X2170ED08/0XBB4CDB9C | 13,343 | Ƀ 473 | $ 45,835,636 | 6.59% |
Binance Bitcoin | 0X7130D2A1/0XBB4CDB9C | 423 | Ƀ 428 | $ 41,443,645 | 5.96% |
Binance Bridged Usdt | 0X55D39832/0X7130D2A1 | 36,703,416 | Ƀ 379 | $ 36,760,704 | 5.29% |
Binance Peg Weth | 0X2170ED08/0X55D39832 | 9,116 | Ƀ 314 | $ 30,431,291 | 4.38% |
Binance Bridged Usdt | 0X55D39832/0X8AC76A51 | 29,248,905 | Ƀ 301 | $ 29,192,233 | 4.20% |
Binance Peg Weth | 0X2170ED08/0XBB4CDB9C | 6,574 | Ƀ 231 | $ 22,366,369 | 3.22% |
Binance Bridged Usdc | 0X8AC76A51/0XBB4CDB9C | 19,823,513 | Ƀ 206 | $ 19,939,806 | 2.87% |