Orlando, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —
MyRadar today announced the award of a multimillion-dollar Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contract by the United States Navy to develop advanced weather nowcasting technology. Awarded through the Office of Naval Research, the project focuses on enhancing short-term weather prediction accuracy through artificial intelligence and data fusion techniques.
Continuing a strong partnership with the Space Science and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, MyRadar’s team of scientists and experts will build on work from the previous Phase I contract to develop a 4D cloud nowcasting system. The technology aims to replace short-term numerical weather prediction output of cloud and cloud-like variables.
“Accurately predicting cloud cover and atmospheric shifts helps advance Navy operations and commercial industries alike,” said David Ryglicki, MyRadar’s principal scientist and director of meteorological research. “What started as a radar nowcasting algorithm has evolved into a unique system that enhances our rain alerts and expands to all manner of weather hazards — giving customers the insights they need to operate with confidence.”
For more information about how MyRadar keeps you ahead of the storm, visit MyRadar.com.
About MyRadar
With more than 50 million downloads across iOS, Android and Windows platforms, MyRadar develops science and technology applications to provide unparalleled access to weather and environmental data. By providing severe weather alerts for tropical storms, earthquakes, wildfires, blizzards and road weather conditions, MyRadar facilitates informed decision-making in a rapidly changing climate. A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador, MyRadar ensures individuals and organizations stay informed and prepared. For further information, visit myradar.com.